This is a post I wrote last year and still remains true today. This is what I believe will truly empower us as women.
The other day, I was in the middle of a busy afternoon. My kids were about to get home from school, my list of to-dos was a mile long and I was racing the clock to get it all done before they walked in the door. And then my mind was overcome.
As I was scurrying about, cleaning up the messes that ensue my life daily, thoughts about the women of this generation, “the millennials” as we have been called, kept coming to my mind. These thoughts were pressing, they were important, and commanded my attention. I could scarcely continue what I was doing. I quickly sat down at my computer to type out what was boiling up inside me. Within minutes, this is what I came up with.
I didn’t know what I was supposed to do with these words. I put them aside, until I felt impressed to share them.
Today is that day.
10 Things Millennial Women Must Know
- The more you buy, the more complicated your life becomes. Acquiring “things” will not bring lasting happiness. Patterning your life after Pinterest will not make you feel fulfilled.
- Overuse of media in all of it forms leads to depression and anxiety.
Recognize the time that is wasted by media in your life. Pay attention to the way it makes you feel. If it’s not positive and uplifting, kick it to the curb. Take a break from it once in a while… social media, television (Netflix), music.. all of it. Just turn it off more often. Become more mindful of your surroundings. How can you bless someone today? Who needs help? What does God want YOU to do? You will move from degrading, mindless messages to powerful personal fulfillment. You will have new confidence to go forward and really live your life to the fullest. - Think of your life’s journey as a progression to perfection. Perfection is not an actual state of being in this life. So don’t expect it. Don’t falsify the idea of perfection in others. They have problems just like you do. Love yourself! Continually move forward, and seek for the Lord’s will and then promptly do it. THAT IS ENOUGH! Herein lies the secret to true joy and lasting happiness. God has a divine mission for you. For each of us.
- Fitness is about HEALTH, not looking great in a bikini or the perfect number on the scale. Your self-worth is not equal to how many marathons you’ve run. Women who are the most “fit” and “in shape” can be the ones that are completely broken and sickly inside and vice versa. Find your balance. Move your body, do what you can, do what makes you feel ALIVE. Your body is a gift from God, so take good care of it.
- Physical beauty is fleeting and temporary. True beauty and happiness comes from loving and serving others. Continually discover your talents and use them in the service of others. Therein lies true happiness and fulfillment.
- “Busy” is not better. Slow down and simplify your life. Your self worth will never be equated to your to-do list and your number of accomplishments.
- Despite what the world tells you, confidence and self worth improves when you dress modestly. You will be empowered by keeping sexual relationships within the bonds of marriage. Test out my words, and report back. I know you will discover who you truly are and who you are meant to be.
- Gossiping destroys life and relationships. Celebrity gossip magazines are like poison to your brain. What you fill your mind with has a powerful effect on who you become. Seek the best, “If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, seek after these things.
- Knowledge is power, but only second to Faith.
- You are the primary teacher for your children. Nurture them. Love them… give them all the light you can to counteract the negative messages that they will inevitably hear every day. Pray for them to be strong and of good courage to withstand temptation, pray for them to be protected angels both earthly and unseen (I know that this is true and possible). Pray for them to seek after Christ— and above all SHOW them by your example faith.
- The more you hire out your motherly duties, the greater risk you run of not being there in the most crucial and shaping moments of your children’s lives. Then when it counts, just as before, you will not have a hand nor influence in their life.
- Never say “I am just a mom”. Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels.”(ref.) Don’t apologize for putting your children FIRST.
“When the real history of mankind is fully disclosed, will it feature the echoes of gunfire or the shaping sound of lullabies? The great armistices made by military men or the peacemaking of women in homes and in neighborhoods? Will what happened in cradles and kitchens prove to be more controlling than what happened in congresses?The greatest and most lasting joy is found in God, Motherhood, Marriage, and nourishing and promoting family life.” – Neal A. Maxwell
The empowerment of women lies on three fronts.
- Can you see through the myth of materialism?
- Do you understand the importance and seek for sexual purity?
- Are you willing to tear down the pride within you and replace it with love?
Read about how to overcome PRIDE here.
To learn more about what a “Millenial Mother” looks like, read THIS.
Organize your Priorities and recognize what is Good, Better, and BEST by reading HERE.
Read this book to help you overcome materialism “The More of Less” by Joshua Becker, also, this talk on “Simplicity” by Lynne G. Robbins
For a greater understanding of Virtue and why you should be Sexually Pure GO HERE.
We were divinely designed as women. We cannot give up the beautiful gifts that God has given us. These truths have brought me great strength and comfort in this crazy world that we live in. I hope they will help you too.
― Eleanor Roosevelt
“Rely on Him. Rely on Him heavily. Rely on Him forever. And “press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope.”11 You are doing God’s work. You are doing it wonderfully well. He is blessing you and He will bless you, even—no, especially—when your days and your nights may be the most challenging. Like the woman who anonymously, meekly, perhaps even with hesitation and some embarrassment, fought her way through the crowd just to touch the hem of the Master’s garment, so Christ will say to the women who worry and wonder and sometimes weep over their responsibility as mothers, “Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole.”12 And it will make your children whole as well.”
-Jeffrey R. Holland

This is so well written! Thank you for sharing this wisdom.
Thank you Laura! I was feeling overwhelmed this morning so got on the computer to “zone out” Luckily I came to this because now I am motivated to get off the computer and keep going! I think I’m going to print these lists off and hang them up…such great words of wisdom!
This is exactly whay I needed to read today and I think we all need to remind ourself of these points on a daily basis.
Thank you
#4 and #6 SO MUCH YES TO THIS!
This is fantastic. You are such a positive light and I love the good you spread. This is a beautiful message and I am so glad I read it today. I am going through a bit of a struggle with my weaknesses and I needed this reminder. You are awesome and I am glad I met you and Heather in Arizona. I wish I could go on a long run with you and chat. Maybe someday! Come to Oregon!
Thanks for sharing!
I loved this! Your example lifts me up! Thanks for shining your light!
Love, love, love all of these Laura! Thank you for sharing & thank you for the reminders!
Thank you! This is wonderful! I have often felt lately that “everyone she’s is doing more”. I’m in a position of being able to stay at home. I have always wanted this. It’s when I look around instead of look up that I feel the insecurities. I recently had a special moment in the temple that helped me realize what I am and what my focus should be. Thank you again for the reminder!