Trail running has easily become one of my favorite things to do! My family is moving to Utah and one of my criteria for finding a house is… will I have access to running trails? Seriously people, it can be an addiction. So if you decide to do your first trail run or race, just understand that trail addiction just might be a reality for you too!
I first got into trail running in college when I was a hiking guide for a fitness spa in St. George, Utah. I had a group of friends who were guides with me, and when we weren’t hiking with clients through the red rocks of Southern Utah, we were hiking, running, and biking all over the place! The first trail I ever ran is still my favorite to this day… The Chuckwalla trail that starts in Snow Canyon State Park and ends at the Chuckwalla climbing rocks. It is so incredibly beautiful! I still run it every chance I get! Here is a picture of the scenic views of this trail.
When I lived in Texas for four years (I just moved from there to Arizona one year ago), there were literally NO trails for me to run on. Every now and then I would drive two hours to Palodoro Canyon and run the trails there. I lived in Lubbock (which I love, don’t get me wrong), but it was fuh-lat flat. They say you can stand on a tuna can and see for 100 miles! I dearly ached for nature, trails, and all of that— so running with the West Texas Running Club saved my life at that time, they made running outside fun! Since there was nothing scenic to look at, the people made up for it. When I got Arizona this year, it was like being a kid in a candy store! #allthetrails
This last weekend, I had the opportunity to run the Catalina State Park Trail Race! paired up with the Catalina State Park Trail Race to offer a 10% off discount code. (Keep your eyes pealed for future discount codes!)
I was originally signed up for the 10 mile but switched to the 5 mile the day before. My husband’s schedule (he is a resident doctor… which equals BUSY!) basically said “work all weekend” and my boy had a basketball game in the morning. So I switched to the 5 mile, got an early morning babysitter for my kids on Saturday, and took the baby to a friends house on my way to the race. Everything actually went really smoothly with the little preparation it took beforehand to set everything up for the kids. So when there’s a will, there’s a way!
I laid everything out the night before, including my race outfit:
I love my Altra Lone Peak 2.5 trail shoes! Pro Compression trainer low socks are the, my Tube Wearable Waistband makes for the perfect pockets to carry all of my fuel and inhaler (I have exercise induced asthma but am totally fine IF I use my inhaler), and of course I had to where my #SheRunsOnFaith tank top, and my LuLuLemon shorts.
I didn’t take any fuel with me this time since it was such a short race. I typically don’t bring fuel (food items for extra energy) on any runs under 10 miles. When I do, I use Honey Stinger Products. I have been a faithful Honey Stinger fan for years and actually this year, I am a Honey Stinger Sponsored Athlete. So if you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend all of their products! I especially love their chews and waffles. Yum!
After a good night sleep (to bed by 10:30, awake by 6:00 am) I ate an egg and toast, got dressed, and had everything ready to go by the time the babysitter came at 6:30. My kids were up by then and ready to party. After getting everyone situated, baby girl and I left. I breastfed her in the car right before I dropped her off so she’d be good and full for a while.
And finally I was off!
I had never visited Catalina State Park prior to this, so it was an extra treat to get to explore it on a trail run. I will definitely be bringing my family back there.
The race was well structured and organized. First the 10 mile race started. I dearly wished I was among them as I had previously planned, but my mommy duties are more important. I couldn’t miss my boy’s game.
Before I knew it the race began.
The trail itself alternated between hilly and flat. There were also some parts that were very sandy. For the most part, we were running on dirt trails. Cactus everywhere. At one point, my heart leapt into my throat as I looked down and saw a black thing with a white stripe! Thinking for a split second that it was a skunk, it turns out it was a burnt piece of wood! phew!
The scenery was absolutely breath taking!
The uphills sometimes were pretty darn steep. Lots of stairs made out of railroad ties. You may not know this about me, but I actually LOVE hills. I was in my element. I didn’t train a ton on really hilly terrain though, so at one point, I had to slow down and jog/walk up some of the stairs so that I could catch my breath!
I seriously enjoyed every single step, and too quickly, it was all over.
When I crossed the finish line, I wished I could start all over again, but was so glad I was able to run the race at all!
I especially loved the free mexican breakfast at the end of the race cooked by this cute couple.
I don’t know if I was just extra hungry or what, but this really hit the spot. It was delicious!!!
They also had pre-made Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches, bananas, and granola bars.
This one year of living in Arizona has seriously made me fall in LOVE with the Saguaro cactus. I don’t know why, but I love them so so much! So when the shirt and the medal from the race had them on it, I was pretty excited! I will forever be reminded of these Arizona days.
In my haste to leave and get to my sons basketball game, I was unable to stay for the awards ceremony but was pleasantly surprised to find out that I got second place in my age group and 7th overall women with a time of 48:54. Not super fast, but I hesitate to go my normal race pace on trails when there is so much terrain in play compared to a regular road race.
It ended up being a pretty great day. I got to do something for myself that I LOVE and then spent the day with the ones I LOVE including my big boy who totally rocked his game!
We are getting ready to leave Arizona so soon, I am going to miss it more than I ever thought I would!
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Great read. The scenery is stunning. It is unlike anything we have here in New Zealand! Oh you would LoVe exploring trails and mountains here!!
The breakfast food looks amazing!! Great race!
Well I am registered for my first Trail 10k on May 7th, so you’re saying I’ll be hooked? Well I’m okay with that!