Pro Compression Socks Review and GIVEAWAY!

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Today is a 2 in 1 Marathon Momma Monday! We love to post about things that will enhance your life, or just start your Monday out fab rather then drab! These are tips, recipes, product reviews, book reviews, a worthy cause or anything we feel like will benefit you. Today is a product review (and a Special Giveaway!) from none other than our favorite socks in the world, PROCOMPRESSION!


You may have seen compression socks or long socks around, but they are nothing like these babies! If you haven’t seen or haven’t tried Pro Compression socks, you’re going to want to enter the giveaway and try these babies out ASAP!! More on the giveaway below……but product review first!

Why are Pro Compression Socks so amazing? Well straight from the source here are the scientific reasons why

From their FAQs page:
From the moment you slip on a pair of PRO Compression socks you will benefit from the science and comfort behind the ‘graduated compression’ technology that is felt mainly around the ankle.

Whether at rest, playing a round of golf or running a marathon, your PRO Compression socks are working to circulate blood back to your heart and lungs. With more efficient circulation comes less fatigue and your tired muscles are replenished with fresh oxygen and nutrients to reduce soreness and give you the extra stamina needed to exert yourself at the fullest.

This is so true! I started wearing Pro Compression Socks in the summer of last year and was absolutely amazed at how happy my legs felt in them running AND recovering.

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Last year I set a goal to Qualify for Boston. I am decent runner but only started running long distance after I had my 1st baby 8 years ago. SO this was a bit of a lofty goal for me personally. I trained really hard. Like REALLY hard. Running and speed for 26.2 miles is not really my thing, but I wanted it so badly I told myself I could do it. I ran the Big Cottonwood Marathon last year (Sept. 2014) and ultimately came up short of my BQ time goal of a 3:35 (heart wrenching, but more on that in another post!) but I did run a 15 minute PR of a 3:42.42. A very respectable time and I was happy with the huge PR. This was the first time I have ever worn my Pro Compression socks in a race. I LOVED the way my legs felt! They helped me push hard and stay strong and crank out a great race. Regardless of my time goal that day, I know that these Pro socks really helped me run strong, finish strong, and recover smart! I love to keep them on post marathon until I shower, then put on a fresh pair right after. HEAVEN. Are the socks magic, well no (although I’d like to think that sometimes  😉 ). Did I train my tail off? Yes, but, do I think these socks had a huge roll in helping race strong that day? YES.


The next month, precisely 3 weeks later, I ran the St. George Marathon (My favorite marathon ever!) on tired legs with my Pro Compression Socks on and still got a 1 minute PR.  Not a lot, but still a PR and my legs felt fine! My body was just tired from a long training year. I was so happy to have my PC socks on my feet. They are a KEY component of my training now I wouldn’t think to race without them!  Every race I run, I wear them now! My hubby ran the same race with me too! His 2nd full Marathon! It was so fun to have him there!

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So basically I think they are just the best socks you can get and I want everyone to be able to try them! They also make low trainers and racer socks, calf sleeves and dress socks and compression pants. Something for everyone! My personal favorite is the marathon sock and I love all of the cute colors! Which brings me to the exciting part……

Pro Compression just released a new style called THE HEATHER COLLECTION!

They are all so cute!! And they have the best name too, I would say! 😉


Right now, we, HEATHER and Laura have teamed up with Pro Compression to bring you the first giveaway for the HEATHER Collection! I am so excited! You can win one pair of your choice of the Heather Blue, Heather Grey or the Heather Pink! (Limited to color and sizes available)


To enter: You must go to my Instagram @TRIANDRUNGIRL LINK HERE

And you have to leave a comment. Also following @MARATHONMOMMALA and @PROCOMPRESSION – That’s it!

And all the rules are listed there.

And for an additional entry you can enter with a comment here telling me which pair you would like to have from the Heather Collection. But please enter first on Instagram and let me know you have done so in your comment for an additional entry.

Contest will run for 1 week. Winner will be announced on Monday, March 30th!
Good luck!

And if you don’t want to wait and would like to just go ahead and buy a pair of Pro Compression socks in the Heather Collection,

They are offering 40% off these new socks and everything else on our Sock of Month Page with the code HC15
‪#‎keepittight‬ ‪#‎compressionsocks‬ ‪#‎heatherfresh‬

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  1. I love Pro Compression socks as well. I don’t use them as much with cycling, but they feel so good after a tough run workout. The Heather collection is nice! I like the blue. And wow! nice work on the marathons!

  2. I would lovvvveeee the socks!! I’m Laura’s friend and am 21 weeks prego. I recently got some bad varicose veins-yuck and so painful and these would be perfect! Yay!

    1. Oh and I wouldn’t care which pair -pink is always a fave of mine-and I’m trying to figure out how to enter to win on your insta haha

  3. Um…. well…. I ordered the blue and grey, thinking “I have a lot of pink socks, I don’t need those”, but now that I’ve seen them… I NEED THE PINK ONES TOO!

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