I was wandering around the isles of a favorite store the other night just browsing all of the darling Christmas decorations, gifts— everything that would make for a perfect Holiday season… but would it? Does having all of the shiny new things that we want REALLY make us happy?
With all of the commercialization of Christmas, it’s no wonder that we see less and less focus on the true meaning, Christ’s birth.
There is less mention of Him on Christmas cards, billboards, commercials, “Happy Holidays” is the ‘correct’ thing to say anymore… it makes me sad.
I was getting all stressed out yesterday because my Christmas cards weren’t done, and won’t be delivered until after Christmas. Then I started stressing more…my house was a disaster, I haven’t wrapped any presents yet, I still have to buy presents for some extended family members, and the list goes on…. Then I realized that I was letting the “Commercial Christmas” get the best of me. Can anyone else out there relate?
We get so excited for the season! Envisioning ourselves cozied up and toasty by the fire, drinking hot cocoa, and watching Hallmark movies during the Christmas Season. But how much does that REALLY happen? It seems to me more like frantic rushing around, this party to that party, buying presents, rushing here and there in bad weather conditions, concerts, programs, and trying to fit in things like EATING, LAUNDRY, BATHING, HOMEWORK, TALKING TO EACH OTHER— it becomes too much, our expectations are IMPOSSIBLE.. and as much as we want to enjoy the season, are we REALLY enjoying it?
My family and I have loved loved LOVED participating in the #LIGHTtheWORLD movement this year put on by the LDS church. There is a calendar on LDS.org and Mormon.org for the 25 days of December leading up to Christmas. Each day there is a suggestion of a way that you can light the world through service. This has been wonderful blessing to my family this year! It’s not too late to join in either.
I was thinking about how easy it is to lose our Christmas perspective and randomly came across a fabulous talk called “The Angels’ Perspective of Christmas” by Pastor Paul Shirley. As I listened, one part really hit me…
“Christmas calls us to worship Jesus Christ as King.
And the angels sang,
Seek after this peace that the angels speak about. This isn’t some trite greeting card hallmark special kind of peace. The angels are singing about a peace that you can have if you put your faith in Christ Jesus. A peace between you and God. That’s the true Christmas peace. A Peace where you are assured that God will never be against you. Because Christ Jesus was born, he died, and he rose again FOR YOU. That’s the eternal peace that the angels sung of.
Things won’t bring us PEACE.
How did we all get so side tracked and tricked into thinking that things will make us happy?
Maybe we don’t have to do all the things and have all of the things this Christmas, and every Christmas. But just focusing on Him and what we can do to be His hands
What are you doing to keep Christ in Christmas?
To quote one of my favorite people Henry B. Eying in his talk “Gifts of Peace”
“Angels, shepherds, and Wise Men sought and found peace from their faith in Jesus Christ. So will you. The Savior’s birth is the gift that makes it possible for the Father to give us peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come.'”
Apply “Simplicity” To Your Life in the New Year:
If you need motivation to gut your life and simplify for the New Year, read this book:
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
Also, this talk is AMAZING!!!!:
Go ahead and read PART 2 OF “SIMPLIFYING YOUR CHRISTMAS” by clicking below
“Simplicity” by Elder Lynne G. Robbins <— A Must READ!!!
Merry Christmas! Please share with me what YOUR plan is to SIMPLIFY your life!
XOXO~ Laura
Read about Having a Stocking for Jesus HERE.
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