You may know that we love running marathons by now 😉 and if there is one that is near and dear to our hearts… one that we get a little sentimental about, it is the historic is so excited to be partnering with this phenomenal race in it’s 40th year to bring you a giveaway! Two lucky winners will receive a free race entry! If you have run the St. George Marathon before, you know that anyone who lives outside of the St. George area has to enter the lottery to get in. So this way, you are guaranteed your spot in the
October 1, 2016 St. George Marathon!
Sign-ups for the St. George Marathon 2016 race will be closing THIS FRIDAY (May 13, 2016)! So sign up now, and then just in case you don’t get into the lottery, you might win a free entry here!
How to Enter:
We want to hear your story about the St. George Marathon. It can be inspiring, funny, pathetic, you name it! If you haven’t ever run a St. George Marathon, you can still share a marathon story or just tell us why YOU should be picked to win!
Submit your stories to us at: &
1-Join’s e-mail list for future opportunities to get free race entries and discount codes.
2- Follow @St.George.Marathon  @MarathonMommaLa  and @TriAndRunGirl
on Instagram.
The winners will be voted on by you! We will post all submissions on Friday, May 13th so you and your loved ones can vote on all weekend! Each individual can only vote once per day. You will vote by commenting which story is your favorite on our “St. George Marathon Stories” post. Voting will close by midnight on Sunday, May 15 and the winners will be announced the following day (Monday, May 16)!
We can’t wait to hear your stories!
*The St. George Marathon ranks right up there with the Utah Valley Marathon, another one of our favorites! Find out more about that one HEREÂ (including a 10% discount code for the June 2016 race!).
History of the St. George Marathon
The St. George Marathon is a fantastic Boston Qualifying course located in St. George, Utah. The first race was in 1977, started by Sherm Miller, a man who worked for the St. George Parks and Rec. Department. As a runner himself, and inspired by the Deseret News Marathon, he decided to start a marathon in his home town of St. George, Utah.
The first St. George Marathon had 58 runners, 38 of which actually crossed the finish line. Since then, the race has grown to accomodate 7,400 runners including a lottery for entry.
 Runner’s World Magazine voted the St. George Marathon:
 Top 10 Most Scenic Marathons
Fastest Marathons
Top 20 Marathons in the USA
One of four Marathons to “Build A Vacation Around”
And The Most Organized Marathon
Our Background
I (Laura) grew up in Salt Lake City and have fond memories of traveling to St. George every year to watch my dad run the St. George Marathon. I can still remember my mom rounding up the troops (all 6 of us), packing our bags, and loading up the suburban. Dad would come home from work on Friday afternoon, and off we went for a St. George Marathon weekend! Most often, we would get to our hotel very late, dad would eat some spaghetti, sleep for a few short hours and off he went to run the marathon! Back then I didn’t really comprehend the magnitude of what he was doing.
Eventually, at the age of 13, my family moved to St. George and I was introduced to the marathon running culture that is such a huge part of St. George life. Surrounded by red rocks and running trails, I caught the bug when I was 17 years old (with some prompting from my dad, who bribed me 😉 ) and ran my first marathon, the St. George Marathon! After that, I was hooked! Since then, I have trained for many many marathons on the St. George Marathon course and fallen in love with the breathtaking scenery! After living away for some time, I jump at the chance to lace up my running shoes and pound some pavement or trails in the land of the red rocks!
This upcoming fall will be my 10th St. George Marathon to date! Ten year club here I come! (I have actually run 11 St. George Marathons if you count the one I ran  one week after the official race that I had been signed up for! I ran the same exact course with no fan fair to cheer me on except my husband who was on a bike!)—But that’s a story for another day!
(And I had a really cute running partner )
I (Heather) grew up in Salt Lake City and loved vacationing in St. George and always told my parents that I was going to live there and go to school there. I loved hearing about the St. George Marathon and thought I wish I could run that someday. I was a competitive swimmer, turned runner/triathlete now and said if I ever ran a full marathon, St. George would have to be my first! My whole family moved to St. George the same year I was enrolled at Dixie State College just after graduating high school. I absolutely love St George and my heart is still there in those red hills after all these years.
After getting married and having my first baby 9 years ago, my husband and I had moved back to St. George and I decided to take the plunge and sign up since I had a guaranteed entry in for living there! I have since ran 13 full marathons and 6 of them have been St. George. It is simply the best! I love the people, the course, the organization of it and much more. Even after moving away again, I always come back to it. It is my favorite. St. George Marathon will always be “MY” marathon and has my heart.
Fast forward a few years later, after being married with young families. Laura and Heather (and Trena– see intro below!) became “fast friends” in the primary presidency (we worked with all of the kids in our church congregation)–
Together we have covered MANY miles and milestones since! We also wanted to introduce to you a very important person that rounds out our fabulous trio… Trena! She is simply the best and a big part of our running trio! Trena has six kids and is an avid runner, cyclist, momma of steel!
We all ran the St. George Marathon together after giving birth to our babies– all born within 11 days of each other! Our babies were 4 1/2 months old at the time, and we were all able to train together for the race. Some of the best memories!
We sure hope we have convinced you to run St. George! Head over and sign up for the race HERE. We can’t wait to run it with everyone! And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!
Laura and Heather
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[#6 and #11] Both runners run for love and mother.