January 20, Day 16
I was in a music video yesterday! Listen to the song below…
Today’s Truth Experiment, I wanted to share some special experiences I have had recently…
The first one is my experience yesterday when putting the song compilation for my previous music and healing post together:
I was sitting at my kitchen table yesterday morning, trying to decide which songs to share with you. As I listened to some of these songs it was like basking in the glow of the Savior. I couldn’t help but think about my Heavenly Father and the fact that he has given these people incredible divine gifts and talents. I felt so grateful that they were sharing these gifts with the world. Because of their bravery and willingness to share, I can feel closer to the Savior.
All of a sudden, I felt an urgency to sit down and write a song myself. This was foreign to me… I have written songs before, but not since I was a teenage girl with a guitar and a crush .
So I grabbed a piece of paper and pen, and started to write down what came into my heart and mind. My song is about the Savior. About our struggle through this life, how we feel helpless— sometimes until the very last moment when he becomes the rock that we can stand on. The words just flowed out of me… I felt so moved upon by the spirit that I could hardly keep myself from sobbing. I sat there at my kitchen table sobbing, then writing, sobbing some more, blowing my nose (because wow, that was making it hard to sing! Ha!) I didn’t know why, and I have never considered myself a talented song writer… but with God’s help, my song came to fruition. In one hour, I had written the song from start to finish.
I felt blessed and overwhelmed by God’s love. Being able to express my love for my Savior through song felt so purifying— so strengthening. I could hardly believe what had just happened to me.
So I shared my recorded song with my best friend (during my recording you can hear my baby who was climbing all over me at the time ) This particular friend has been my friend since kindergarten and seen me grow all the way up— through all of the awkward stages— and loved me anyway! So I knew that she wouldn’t judge me, she would just love me good or bad. My song made her cry too. This is my very friend who had told you about in my previous Truth Experiment post— the one that told me to use the healing power of music to help me through this injury that I suffering from.
Later that evening, I was asked to be an extra in a music video for Nathan Pacheco. If you don’t know who he is, look him up. He has an absolutely glorious voice!
It took quite a bit of juggling to figure out kids and babysitting, normally I would’ve given up after all the dead ends trying to find someone to watch my kids— but I could feel the spirit driving me on.
The following day, it was finally time. I headed out to the set of the music video. My pelvis (which is nearly fractured in two places) had been hurting all day long. I’m not going to lie— it is incredibly discouraging. The doctor has ordered for me to rest as much as possible– and as a mother of four little kids and an incredibly busy husband that can’t often be around to help, resting feels quite litereally IMPOSSIBLE. Struggling with all of this has been really really HEAVY. I have never felt so helpless…. I have never felt like I have needed my Savior more than I do now.
This Truth Experiment 2017 has been just the thing that I needed to feel his love and stay close to him. The ONLY way I can get through all of this….
Anyway, back to my story…
I arrived on set of the music video. When it was our turn to go in to the film studio to record the video, here’s what happened:
They gathered all of the extras together, we were going to be the choir that sang with Nathan at the end of the song.
We began with a beautiful prayer, and the Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost) filled the room. There were about 30 of us total including crew and everything. There was no down in my mind, we were doing God’s will. He was with us, because we were there to spread His message— the message of our dear Savior. I didn’t know these people, none of them. But you could so much love in the room.
Please take a minute to listen to the song “FOREVER” Here
After the prayer, Nathan Pacheco shared an experience in association with the song that we were about to sing. I will paraphrase what he said…
“One night 5 months ago, my wife went into labor— the crazy thing about it was that the baby was coming 5 weeks early. We were surprised and worried. As the baby was born, all of the his stats started to drop. The doctors and nurses started to poke and prod, putting tubes in, needles everywhere including his head. I watched feeling so upset that they were doing this to my baby. But I believe that when babies are born, they bring with them, a little piece of HEAVEN. As I worried and watched and waited, I was listening with my headphones to this song (the song we were about to shoot the music video for). As I listened, I was overcome with PEACE. I knew that Jesus Christ had paid the price for all. Somehow, I knew that everything would be ok.
He continued…
“So for all of you, I ask you, to lay you cares, your struggles, whatever is hurting, whatever you are dealing with— lay it on the alter. Jesus Christ has overcome all things for you. He has felt all things, he knows your pains and struggles. He loves you and is here to help you. Feel that, think of that and you sing this song. Because it’s true.”
My eyes began to water… I felt his words, I knew that they were true. And boy, have I had my share of struggles, especially lately.
Please, please listen to this song. Listen to the angel choir at the end that I was so incredibly blessed to be a part of and think of that very message…
“We sing Hallelujah, we sing hallelujah, we sing halleluja… the Lamb has overcome!”
As we sang this over and over, my heart may have nearly exploded. What an incredible experience. It was a witness to me of the reality of the atonement of Jesus Christ. And for that window for, even with a lot of hours on my feet— I wasn’t in pain.
God is working on me every day— I am thankful for these experiences that were handpicked to teach me of the reality of Christ’s atoning sacrifice and His infinite love.
“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
I know that the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ has overcome ALL things . And His love for you is perfect. So lay all of your struggles on the alter for Him. Please listen to the healing power of this music.
The music video for the song “Forever” that I was in will be coming out next week!
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