Traditions are the best! I love the way they really unite are family and allow us to have lots of fun together.
Valentine’s Day is one of my FAVORITE holidays, and my little family has made some favorite traditions over the last few years. Here are some ideas for you!
Yes, my son has my hair in his mouth. My legs are glaringly white.
And no, we never did get a perfect picture with everyone smiling and looking at the camera, but after 15 tries…
Tradition #1
Happy Hearts
(pictured above hanging on the mantel)
I made these hearts a few years ago and it has become a wonderful family tradition for the whole month of February. Each heart is made out of fabric with a pocket inside. The hearts are attached to ribbon with a clothes pin. Each heart pocket has little laminated pieces of paper inside with little acts of love, service, or short scriptures about love to memorize. Each kid picks one card per day. It has been wonderful to see how it turns their hearts to serving and loving others. I’d be happy to go more in depth on this in another post. Comment or e-mail me if you want more details and ideas about how to make the hearts or what to put on the cards inside.
Tradition #2
Valentine’s Jammies
This is an older picture as well (sorry it’s so blurry). My kids love the jammies that I have made for them over the years and they literally wear them until they are full of holes! I didn’t end up making jammies this year, I’m trying to find balance with working on the blog and everything else and didn’t want to take additional time for a sewing project. This is a great tradition that your kids will love! Pajama pants are very easy and very forgiving. There are a number of tutorials on Pinterest or Youtube that make it easy and quick. You can even use your kids current pants as a template. I still may make the kids jammies this year… we will see! But the pictures are priceless!
Tradition #3
Valentine’s Dinner
The kids LOVE the candlelight and sparkling cider with fancy cups!
Get some of the plastic goblets at the Dollar Store, and some cheap candlesticks and they will be in heaven!
We were lucky enough to have Rainbow Dash as a guest at the table too!
Heart Pizza is always easy and good. You can make your own, OR Papa Murphy’s sells pre-made pepperoni heart pizzas that you cook in your own oven.
Tradition #4
Valentine’s Day Breakfast
Kneader’s French Toast
This is incredibly delicious, easy, and fast! Find the recipe HERE.
I cannot say enough good about this recipe, except that it is well worth every calorie! A little splurge every now and then makes the holiday even more special. And of course, don’t forget…
the heart bacon…. mmmm.
Tradition #5
Decorating the Table
Most holidays at our house, you will find the table covered with..
Freezer Paper
and decorated with all sorts of paints, handprints, sparkles, you name it.
Freezer paper is basically banner paper with a plastic backing that you can find in the Plastics and Paper Product isle at the grocery store. It is right next to the aluminum foil and Plastic wrap. This is what it looks like.
The best part is, one roll will last you a long time– it is the BEST for any art project! My kids love to get it out and make nice long murals or banners for this and that. For most major holidays, I tape this with masking tape to our kitchen table and let the kids go to town decorating it before our holiday dinner. It’s a must try!
And OF COURSE don’t forget to have a date with the one you love the most!
This is a picture of Austin and I going to a Valentine’s Dance in high school.
We were high school sweethearts and this picture pretty much sums us up. We just could not see past each other. It was definitely meant to be and it didn’t take us long to figure that out. More on that to come!
I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
Share your love with the ones you love!
XOXO Laura
What are your favorite Valentine’s Day Traditions?
Do you have special Holiday Traditions?
We want to hear about it! Thanks for all of your e-mails and messages! We love to hear from you!
If you try any of these ideas, take a pic on Insta and tag us, we would love to see! @marathonmommala @triandrungirl
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I’d love more details about your happy hearts like what you put inside and how you made them! What a fun idea!
Yes, I would love to share that with you! Look for some details in the next few weeks!