He is the Christ– Minus Track and Christ Video


God gave the gift of His Son so that all of us can find peace in life, despite the many trials that we all face. This song is a gift that was given to me in a very hard time of life. It was almost as if– holding on to my last shred of strength and faith, God and His angels sent me this melody and the words as a gift. I wrote down the lyrics and melody immediately, sat at the piano, and completed the song in one hour. My soul rejoices daily in the strength of Christ and this incredible song of praise to Him!

Since releasing this song a few months ago, it has become a gift to many people. A song that they can listen to and feel peace and strength amidst the turmoil that can often surround us. I am humbled and grateful to bring this song forth for the world to hear so that others will feel Christ with them in even their darkest moments when all seems lost and alone… much like I felt when this song came to my heart.

My intention has never been to make money on this song, but to provide all of the sheet music and minus track so that others can make the song their own and share the healing and strengthening message of light in Christ with those around them. Please feel free to ask me any questions. I am looking forward to many opportunities to perform this song in 2018. He is the Christ and He loves you and me. I hope you feel that as you listen to this song and share it with others.. <3 Xoxo, Laura



Read the Full story of my song HERE

Get the free sheet music HERE

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