As a mother, I have often had moments of worry and fear as I think of the state of the world that I am raising my kids in. When I read about the struggle of so many children, families, and people all over the world, it brings me to my knees and I am quickly reminded..
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:26–27).
I often pray and ask God how I can help strengthen my children and bring the light of the Savior more into their lives and into my own life. I vividly remember one particular day, two years ago. I was especially troubled by what I had been reading in the news about the rise in suicide rates among our youth. My heart felt broken. I began to ponder upon how I could help my children and all of God’s children know how needed, important, and crucial they are to God’s plan. This was the question that plagued my mind. I knelt down, tear stained, and prayed to ask God what I could do. None of us should ever doubt God’s love for us. We are loved perfectly in our imperfection by our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ. We each have a divine mission to perform here on this earth. We all have the ability to shine the light within us to the world– the light of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Well, one evening about two weeks later, I found myself sitting in the Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ. I was gazing at the beautiful painted murals on the walls around me when these words started to play into my head to a certain tune that I had never heard before. “I am one drop in the sea, one tiny leaf in a forest of trees, one single brush stroke in the grand masterpiece, oh I’m small, I’m simple, I’m me…” The same words played over and over in my head for nearly two hours. When I finally met up with my husband in the quiet beauty of the celestial room, I quietly sang this little budding song. I just couldn’t forget! The next morning, I sat down at the piano and finished the entire song “Light Up My Life” in one hour. It felt as though someone had opened my mind straight to heaven. For months following, every time I sat down to play this song, tears flowed freely as I thought about what a gift I had been given from my Father in Heaven.
This song was the message that my children needed to know. This song was the message that I needed to share with the world. It is a reminder to all of God’s children that they are loved and needed, an integral part of God’s plan, the “grand masterpiece” that we are ALL a part of.
Yes, it seems that we are living in a world full of darkness. The darkness can feel overpowering at times, but to quote Martin Luther King Jr.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”
That light and perfect love that will drive out this darkness is found in our Savior Jesus Christ.
“He is the Source of all true light. He is the master of eternal light. He is the Light of the World. And has given His light, the Light of Christ, the light of truth, to everyone. It is a free gift, a glorious divine inheritance that allows each person to distinguish good from evil.”
-Wendy Watson Nelson, The Heavens are Open
It is my prayer that we will all light up our lives with the Savior. That we won’t be afraid to let Him into our lives. We have inherently been given His light within us. Please don’t be afraid to share it with everyone around you. With His light, the darkness cannot remain.
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
I present to you “Light Up My Life”
“Light Up My Life” by Laura Crofts Cope is now available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon music and most streaming apps.
“He is the Christ” available for download HERE
Instagram: @laura.crofts.cope @cope.fam.grams
Contact Laura:
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Brought tears to MY eyes, too, Laura!!! You have an amazing talent for music, and for receiving inspiration! So glad you shared this!!! LOVE IT!!! And YOU!!!